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Mastering Financial Markets: The Ultimate Beginner's Course
Mastering Financial Markets Course
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Capital and Financial Markets
Slides and Resources
1. The Rise of Financial Markets (6:21)
2. Financing a Start-up (10:49)
3. Capital Markets Overview (8:54)
4. Debt Capital Markets (5:16)
5. Primary and Secondary Debt Markets (6:45)
6. Equity Capital Markets (5:03)
7. Mechanics of Issuing Shares (7:43)
8. Costs and Benefits of Raising Equity (9:11)
9. Four Main Financial Markets (9:11)
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Financial Industry and Market Players
1. Structure of Financial Markets (6:13)
2. Buy Side (8:36)
3. Who are Market Makers? (13:27)
4. What About Brokers and Dealers? (5:06)
5. What Do Investment Banks Do? (13:20)
6. Investment Banks and Global Markets (13:14)
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Fixed Income Markets: Overview
Slides and Resources
1. Fixed Income Overview (8:41)
2. Trillion Dollar Market (11:04)
Fixed Income: Sovereign Debt Markets
1. Fiscal Policy and Deficits (13:28)
2. Debt Never Gets Repaid (8:02)
3. Government Bond Demand (5:19)
4. The Special Role of the US Dollar (7:50)
5. What Makes Government Bonds Attractive? (8:24)
6. Why the Market Buys U.S. Bonds? (6:34)
7. Role of the Central Bank in Fixed Income Markets (7:34)
8. US Government Debt Holders and Lenders (7:16)
9. The Euro and Eurozone Bonds (6:37)
10. Role of the Currency in Bond Markets (13:23)
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Fixed Income: Bond Prices and Yields
1. Time Value of Money (9:50)
2. Calculating Bond Price (7:52)
3. Backing Out Bond Yield (12:12)
4. Which One is a Better Investment? (7:30)
5. Six Mind-blowing Facts About Yield (9:09)
6. Government Bond Yields (11:43)
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Fixed Income: Risks and Market Drivers
1. Risks When Investing in Bonds (5:34)
2. Impact of Interest Rate Expectations (12:40)
3. Duration Risk (7:00)
4. Real Rates and Inflation Expectations (6:58)
5. Credit Risk and Default Probability (5:22)
6. Fiscal Spirals and Bond Vigilantes (5:45)
7. How Yields Reflect Risk (7:52)
Quiz: Test Your Knowledge
Fixed Income: Yield Curve
1. Importance of Government Rates (5:54)
2. Stimulating the Economy with Low Rates (8:03)
3. Fixing Inflation with High Rates (5:34)
4. Drivers of Short Term and Long Term Yields (10:23)
5. Shapes of the Yield Curve (4:39)
6. Why Does the Yield Curve Invert? (10:58)
7. Tracking the Yield Curve (5:44)
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Equity Markets: Stocks, Indices, and ETFs
Slides and Resources
1. What are Stocks and Shares? (5:17)
2. Market Cap and Shares Out (8:15)
3. How do Shareholders Benefit? (5:34)
4. Calculating Total Return (7:38)
5. What are Stock Market Indicies? (8:52)
6. ETFs or How to Buy a Stock Market Index? (5:25)
7. Long-Term Stock Market Returns (6:46)
8. How Long is Long-Term? (8:21)
9. The Power of (Love) Compounding (8:17)
Quiz: Test Your Knowledge
Equity Markets: Corporate Earnings
1. What are Earnings? (7:44)
2. How Earnings Drive the Share Price (10:39)
3. Reported Earnings and Income Statement (11:08)
4. Earnings Growth is the Key (9:57)
5. Earnings Forecasts and Estimates (8:57)
6. Earnings Season and Analyst Recommendations (13:21)
7. Economic Impact on the Stock Market (8:43)
8. Is It Always Good to Own Stocks? (4:59)
9. Cyclicals vs Defensives (10:06)
Quiz: Test Your Knowledge
Equity Markets: Stock Valuation
1. How Do You Compare Stocks? (6:01)
2. PE Ratio and Earnings Growth (5:53)
3. Are Growth Stocks Overpriced? (12:48)
4. How Valuation Drives the Share Price? (8:02)
5. Limitations of the PE Ratio (5:58)
6. Two Approaches to Stock Valuation (2:54)
7. Relative Valuation and the Comparable Company Analysis (9:19)
8. Absolute Valuation and the DCF (7:21)
9. Summary of the Two Methods (5:00)
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Foreign Exchange Markets
Slides and Resources
1. Why Do We Care About FX? (8:14)
2. Three Phases of Money (7:22)
3. Gold Standard and the Bretton Woods Agreement (4:56)
4. The Era of Fiat Money (7:15)
FX Markets: A Tale of Two Countries
1. Welcome to Lumino and Kredos (11:09)
2. Strong Currency is Good, Right? (4:34)
3. The Art of Printing Money (7:52)
4. Kredos Fixes the Inflation Problem (4:22)
5. Lumino Faces a Currency Crisis (6:44)
6. Unintended Consequences (5:56)
7. Lumino Manages the Currency Crisis (6:08)
8. Financial Crisis Spirals Out of Control (7:30)
FX Markets: Fixed and Floating Currencies
1. Structure of the FX Market (10:43)
2. Important FX Market Conventions (6:42)
3. Making Sense of the FX Quote (7:21)
4. Currency Regimes (5:12)
5. Why Fix a Currency Against Another? (4:48)
6. How Are Fixings Maintained? (7:49)
7. Example of a Swiss Franc (6:26)
8. Why Currency Pegs Fail? (6:49)
9. What Drives Currency Value? (5:30)
10. Global Trade and FX Markets (8:42)
11. U.S. Trade Deficit and Capital Flows (7:07)
12. Other Factors Impacting FX Rates (9:42)
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Commodity Markets
Slides and Resources
1. What are Commodities? (8:10)
2. Three Components of Commodity Supply (9:26)
3. Supply Shocks and Demand Shocks (5:26)
4. Stabilizing Commodity Markets with Reserves and Inventories (5:46)
5. Who Trades Commodities? (11:59)
6. Trading Commodities OTC and via Futures (10:34)
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Commodities: Crude Oil Market
1. Black Gold: The Largest Traded Commodity (8:53)
2. Who Controls the Oil Supply? (6:39)
3. Major Historical Events in Crude Oil Markets (12:05)
4. From Crude Oil to Refined Products (11:45)
5. Is Crude Oil a Financial Market? (7:26)
6. Why Did Crude Oil Trade at Negative Prices? (7:40)
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Global Macro and Economics
Slides and Resources
1. Why Does Macro Matter? (12:17)
2. How to Measure the Economy? (11:05)
3. Real vs Nominal GDP (8:30)
4. Components of Gross Domestic Product (6:45)
5. GDP and Financial Markets (7:48)
6. Economic Releases and Indicators (9:48)
7. Why Don't You Get a Job? (Labor Markets) (12:24)
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Global Macro: Money, Prices, and Inflation
1. Why Are Price Levels Important for the Economy (7:09)
2. Inflationary Spiral of Doom (9:24)
3. The Mystical Deflation (6:06)
4. Real Rates Are Making It Worse! (5:57)
5. Gold Standard is the Answer! (10:47)
6. In Search of Price Stability. Part II. (8:25)
7. Yes, But Why Interest Rates? (9:17)
8. Inflation Targeting as the Ultimate Solution (9:29)
9. Inflation, Disinflation, Stagflation, and Otherflation (12:22)
10. Economic and Business Cycles (12:17)
Quiz: Test Your Knowledge
Central Banks and the Fed
Slides and Resources
1. Central Bank Tools and Responsibilities (12:24)
2. Central Bank's Impact on Economic Cycles (9:55)
3. Federal Reserve as the World's Central Bank (9:43)
4. Quantitative Easing and the Fed's Balance Sheet (10:55)
5. Does Quantitative Easing Cause Inflation? (11:15)
6. Quantitative Easing Side Effects (6:43)
7. Fed Put and Income Inequality (5:06)
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Macro Trading and Investing
Slides and Resources
1. Building a Macro Framework (8:38)
2. Scenario One: Growth and Stimulative Policy (6:55)
3. Scenario Two: Growth and Restrictive Policy (7:10)
4. Scenario Three: Recession and Restrictive Policy (3:58)
5. Scenario Four: Recession and Stimulative Policy (5:46)
6. Risk-On and Risk-Off Market Sentiment (12:56)
7. Listening to Market Moves (13:13)
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Feedback and Resources
Feedback and Resources (1:33)
2. Who Controls the Oil Supply?
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